Problems with the novel Spyder’s Web

I realize this may come as a shock to many of you, but I’m not perfect. I make mistakes, and apparently, I made a doozy with my last book in my fantasy series, Spyder’s Web.

Somehow, I only uploaded half the book to all of the various places you folks go to buy books. The story stopped right in the middle of chapter eight, and people were left kind of confused.

confused cartoon dog

Can’t blame them there. Anyway, if you were one of the unlucky readers who only got half a book, mea culpa.

By now, you have received or will receive a notice from Amazon instructing you on how to re-download the corrected version of Spyder’s Web.

Alternately, on Amazon, you have the option to use the “Manage Your Content and Devices” page on to receive your book updates.

I’m really sorry for the inconvenience and won’t be too upset if you write to tell me how shocked you are that I’m not always perfect…

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