The Next Big Thing Blog Hop

As part of  “The Next Big Thing Blog Hop” I was tagged by wonderful fellow writer Alexandra Wolfe. The purpose of this hop is to expose you to writers and their work that you might not have heard of before.

According to the rules of the hop, I’ve answered some questions below about my latest WIP, which are the same questions each Blog Hopper is answering. Other authors will be doing the same thing on successive Wednesday’s on their blogs. So watch out for more.

What is the working title of the book you are currently working on?

Credo’s Fire. It is the third in the Alex Wolfe Mystery Series.

Where did the idea come from for the book?

In all of my books I take a little bit from different cases I worked as an officer, and I combine that with a wicked imagination and a rollicking sense of the perverse to create a slightly realistic and slightly improbable fiction.

What genre does the book fall under?

Murder Mystery

 Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie?

I had to ask my daughter because she knows more actresses in the age range for my protagonist, Alex Wolfe. Of all the actresses she suggested, I like Melissa Peregrym the best.

What is the one sentence synopsis of your work?

Alexandra Wolfe is a fresh, funny, tough cop who skates on the edge of the law in her quest for justice.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I self-publish all of my books. In this day and age, unless a major publisher promises me the moon, I feel it is foolish to turn over the rights to my work only to get a fraction of the selling price.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your MS?

I haven’t finished the first draft, but it usually takes me about three months to get the first draft out, and then another month to get it to the editor and then to do the re-write.

Who or what inspired you to write this book.

That’s easy. I keep getting requests from people who read the first two books in the series to write the third. I’ve been busy starting a fantasy fiction series, The Seven Realms of Ar’rothi, and since I published the first in that series, The Spirit Child, I’m now ready to continue with Credo’s Fire.

What else about your work might pique the reader’s interest?

I always create strong female characters in my books who are multi-dimensional and who play well with others. Very often, readers comment that they’d like to be friends with my characters in real life, because they are honest, caring, loving, kick-ass women.  I also write in several different genre’s and it is easy for readers to find action, adventure, angst or just plain entertainment .

Next in line:

The next author I’ve tagged is the incomparable Harvey Stanbrough. Harvey is an editor, teacher, guest speaker, seminar leader and a pulitzer nominated poet. To read his answers to these questions on December 26th, go to

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